A leader in satellite imagery partnered with ASU CareerCatalyst to elevate workforce skills and champion diversity, aligning with the ever-evolving needs of the satellite technology sector. Key highlights of the partnership included:

  • Customized learning strategy: CareerCatalyst curated a bespoke learning program, intricately designed to address gaps in strategic planning, resilience, focus and feedback mechanisms.
  • Industry-specific content: The Professional Skills for Everyone series was meticulously tailored, embedding the unique facets of the satellite industry to ensure direct applicability and practical relevance.
  • Global inclusivity and collaboration: The initiative also placed a strong emphasis on cultural diversity, offering courses on bias awareness to cultivate a globally inclusive and collaborative working atmosphere.

This strategic collaboration with CareerCatalyst enabled this company to achieve remarkable early milestones: over 50 course completions and 10 certificates issued within just two months of launch. The courses were seamlessly integrated into their internal learning management system, enhancing user accessibility and experience. 

This case study exemplifies how targeted educational strategies can effectively upskill a workforce, while aligning employee skills with ever-changing industry requirements.


This space technology corporation is the leading provider of global, daily satellite imagery and insights, driven by a mission to image all of Earth’s landmass every day. Through their proprietary technology they make global change visible, accessible and actionable.

They're focused on the assembly of off-the-shelf electronics into advanced satellites that use agile aerospace technologies. The data and analytics they provide enable impactful decision-making for businesses, governments and research institutions.


In the fast-paced and innovative realm of satellite technology, these specialists identified a crucial need to enhance the skills of its workforce. As a young company experiencing rapid growth, the opportunity to proactively tackle strategic gaps was paramount.

Through a company-wide skills assessment, areas of opportunity were identified, focusing on key elements such as strategic planning, resilience, feedback, coaching and overall workforce focus. Understanding the potential of upskilling, they sought a strategic collaboration with CareerCatalyst to address these gaps.


To address these challenges, they partnered with CareerCatalyst, a leader in providing tailored learning solutions for workforce development. CareerCatalyst conducted an in-depth analysis of their skills gap assessment and collaborated closely to curate a customized learning program.

This program aimed to enhance the identified skills, ensuring alignment with the specific needs of their workforce and industry. Their People Team worked closely with ASU Career Catalyst to create a training program applicable to their entire workforce.

Content Curation

ASU CareerCatalyst worked alongside this entity to provide semi-customized content tailored to their needs that featured CareerCatalyst’s Professional Skills for Everyone series. From leading meetings and giving presentations, to sending effective emails and collaborating well with others, the Professional Skills For Everyone series empowers talent with in-demand practical skills and draws upon faculty and staff from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, the College of Global Futures and the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences.

The To Be Welcoming series, initially developed by ASU’s School of Social Transformation in collaboration with Starbucks, focuses on understanding and reflecting on biases, covering a range of topics from gender to race and more. The curriculum promotes curiosity and empathy, guiding learners to explore perspectives beyond their own. It's designed to be engaging and accessible, encouraging open conversation and personal reflection on complex issues of bias and systemic inequality.

Learning Management and Experience

Leveraging ASU’s robust expertise in instructional design, the CareerCatalyst team delivered over 40 self-paced, independent courses to be launched in the enterprise's internal learning management system. The courses feature interactive learning objects, readings, videos and self-paced, on-demand training modules to facilitate engaging online learning.


As of December 2023, 51 participants complete the courses and issues 10 certificates. The initiative is set to extend throughout the organization, encompassing nearly 1,000 individuals, to empower all their employees to actively participate in and contribute to the achievement of the company's upskilling objectives. 

Connect to grow with ASU 

Through ASU CareerCatalyst, ASU applies its unparalleled core of knowledge to develop world-class workforce education solutions designed to increase engagement, creativity and productivity for learners — while aligning to your business strategies and workforce needs. To learn how you can design and implement a scalable workforce education solution for your organization, contact ASU CareerCatalyst.