Best tools for data visualization

February 16, 2021 · 2 min read · By ASU CareerCatalyst

Most of us have undoubtedly seen data visualization in practice many times. We’ve probably never realized it was called ‘data visualization,’ but whether in textbooks, at work, or even while browsing a promotional brochure for a product or service, these results of these tools are everywhere.

Consider a few data visualization techniques:

  • Bar charts
  • Pie charts
  • Infographics
  • Maps
  • Scatter plots
  • Area charts
  • Heap maps
  • Histograms
  • Line charts

What is Data Visualization?

Essentially, data visualization is the manner by which data is visualized. Sounds simple enough, right? However, the process by which we take numerical and other scientific data and make it easier to understand for the average individual is more complicated.

Having the right tools to do the job is critical. Data visualization software is one of the tools a trained and skilled data analyst will use in presenting data in an easier, visual way to understand.

What are the Best Tools for Data Visualization?

Each individual will have their own preferences and needs when it comes to data visualization software, but some are rated better than others based on common expectations, needs, and factors, including (but not limited to):

  • Dashboards

    This is basically the way a program looks and can be used once it’s opened. A customizable dashboard is critical for experienced data analysts because they will have certain functions that become more important to them than they might be for others.

  • Interactive reporting

    Interactivity is a vital component of data analytics and visualization.

  • AI integration

    As artificial intelligence continues to expand, being able to integrate this with the visualization tools becomes fundamentally important to presenting data in various forms and formats.

  • Real-time collaboration

    The larger the organization, the more important collaboration becomes. Using data visualization software that allows for real-time collaboration (ie. two or more people working on a file at the same time) streamlines the process.

Now, what are the best tools for data visualization? This brief list is based on a variety of reviews and comments by users, but is by no means all-inclusive.

  • Tableau (perfect for corporations and other similar entities).
  • Databox (excellent for free options, especially for novices and those on a tight budget).
  • Plotly (one of the best for Python).
  • Google Charts (optimal for startup enterprises).
  • Infogram (for web data visualization).

How Can I Learn More About Data Visualization?

Arizona State University now offers a self-paced certification four-course program for Data Analytics and Visualization. Begin your new career path in data analytics and visualization in a matter of weeks.

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